Prvo ovogodišnje tkanje/First woven piece in 2008
Nakon gotovo dva mjeseca stalnih putovanja, života po hotelima, sati provedenih u avionima, jako me vesele naredni dani i tjedni u kojima nemam putovanja u kalendaru. Vidjeti ćemo koliko će dugo potrajati, bolje da ništa ne govorim. Uskršnje smo praznike odlučili provesti na toplome, pa smo otišli na kratkih 5 noći kod prijatelja na Cipar. Svaki je dan bio ispunjen aktivnostima i avanturama od jutra do mraka, tako da imam osjećaj da je odmor trajao dva tjedna što je dobar znak da smo se lijepo odmorili. Jutros, utorak....sve po starome. Razlika u temperaturi je oko 25 stupnjeva, nebo je bilo plavo, pa sivo, pa opet plavo, dvije proljetne mećave su prohujale gradom, okolni brežuljci su opet pokriveni snijegom, prognoza za naredne dane nikakva. Taman što je izgledalo da je proljeće pokucalo na vrata, sve je malo počelo bubriti, naša trava pred terasom zeleniti i rasti, priroda se opet uspavala.
Ali, ja se uspavala nisam. Prije Uskrsa sam spomenula da planiram novo tkanje, ali nisam uspjela stići napisati više na blogu, pa koristim priliku. U jednom od jesenskih postova stavila sam slike vune koju sam namjeravala tokom jeseni otkati, i danas svečano javljam da sam napravila metar i pol materijala širine tridesetak centimetara od one interesantne japanske NORO kombinacije vuna (kašmir, svila, vuna, alpaka, ovčja vuna....) čije slike možete vidjeti ovdje. Ta mi vuna stoji već predugo jer nisam mogla odlučiti šta ću s njom.Odluka je pala preko noći. Platneni vez, svila bojana crnim čajem je u osnovi, NORO u potki, a krajnji je plan ukomponirati to tkanje lijepih jesenskih boja u materijal (kombinacija vune i lana) koji već sjedi kod moje šnajderice nekoliko mjeseci i čeka da mi stigne inspiracija. Plan je napraviti jesensku jaknu koja će imati dijelove tkanja ukomponirane u šivani dio. Ostatak plana ostaje tajna, pa se nadam da ćete izdržati dok sve bude gotovo.After almost two months of permanent travels, life in the hotels, hours spent in airplanes, I am looking forward to the coming days and weeks without any travels in the calendar. Let's wait and see for how long. We decided to spent Easter holidays somewhere warm and not overly far away, so we spent a lovely five nights with a friend in Cyprus. Each of the days was full with activities from the morning to the late night, and my feeling is that the holiday lasted for good two weeks, which is a good sign that it was fun and relaxing. This morning, Tuesday, everything back to normal. Temperature difference between here and Cyprus is about 25 degrees, the sky was a number of times lovely blue, then grey, then blue again, two times a springy snow storm came around, the neighboring hills woke up covered with snow, the forecast for the coming days is not great. Just as it looked that the spring was here, the flowers slowly flowered, the trees pushed the leaves, our grass started growing and getting greened, the nature has decided to fall asleep again.
I did not fall asleep. Prior to Easter holidays, I have mentioned the new weaving project, but had no time to write more on the blog. In one of the autumn posts, I put the photos of the wool I planned to weave during autumn, which I finally wove only some days ago. Decision was simple, since the yarn was a Japanese NORO - a combination of nearly every known fibre - wool, silk, alpaca, cashmere in lovely colors, all as one thread. I decided make it in a plain weave, since the plan was to combine it with the fabric (combination of wool and linen) which I bought last summer during the weavers market in Haslach. My tailor will be very happy with the new project. After going to some early fears of sewing woven materials, now that she tried it, she just loves every new piece I make.
Ali, ja se uspavala nisam. Prije Uskrsa sam spomenula da planiram novo tkanje, ali nisam uspjela stići napisati više na blogu, pa koristim priliku. U jednom od jesenskih postova stavila sam slike vune koju sam namjeravala tokom jeseni otkati, i danas svečano javljam da sam napravila metar i pol materijala širine tridesetak centimetara od one interesantne japanske NORO kombinacije vuna (kašmir, svila, vuna, alpaka, ovčja vuna....) čije slike možete vidjeti ovdje. Ta mi vuna stoji već predugo jer nisam mogla odlučiti šta ću s njom.Odluka je pala preko noći. Platneni vez, svila bojana crnim čajem je u osnovi, NORO u potki, a krajnji je plan ukomponirati to tkanje lijepih jesenskih boja u materijal (kombinacija vune i lana) koji već sjedi kod moje šnajderice nekoliko mjeseci i čeka da mi stigne inspiracija. Plan je napraviti jesensku jaknu koja će imati dijelove tkanja ukomponirane u šivani dio. Ostatak plana ostaje tajna, pa se nadam da ćete izdržati dok sve bude gotovo.After almost two months of permanent travels, life in the hotels, hours spent in airplanes, I am looking forward to the coming days and weeks without any travels in the calendar. Let's wait and see for how long. We decided to spent Easter holidays somewhere warm and not overly far away, so we spent a lovely five nights with a friend in Cyprus. Each of the days was full with activities from the morning to the late night, and my feeling is that the holiday lasted for good two weeks, which is a good sign that it was fun and relaxing. This morning, Tuesday, everything back to normal. Temperature difference between here and Cyprus is about 25 degrees, the sky was a number of times lovely blue, then grey, then blue again, two times a springy snow storm came around, the neighboring hills woke up covered with snow, the forecast for the coming days is not great. Just as it looked that the spring was here, the flowers slowly flowered, the trees pushed the leaves, our grass started growing and getting greened, the nature has decided to fall asleep again.
I did not fall asleep. Prior to Easter holidays, I have mentioned the new weaving project, but had no time to write more on the blog. In one of the autumn posts, I put the photos of the wool I planned to weave during autumn, which I finally wove only some days ago. Decision was simple, since the yarn was a Japanese NORO - a combination of nearly every known fibre - wool, silk, alpaca, cashmere in lovely colors, all as one thread. I decided make it in a plain weave, since the plan was to combine it with the fabric (combination of wool and linen) which I bought last summer during the weavers market in Haslach. My tailor will be very happy with the new project. After going to some early fears of sewing woven materials, now that she tried it, she just loves every new piece I make.
Unatoč obavezama ipak si našla vremena i za predenje, lijepo...