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Nove vune i jesenski tkalački planovi / New wool and my autumn weaving plans
Iako u posljednje vrijeme nisam imala puno vremena za tkanje, slučajno sam već tri, četiri puta naletila na dućane sa prekrasnom vunom i nisam mogla odoljeti da ih ne kupim. Uvijek ista priča - ili ne nalazim ništa interesantno, ili odjednom pronađem toliko raznih prekrasnih
vuna da ne znam koje odabrati, koliko ih uzeti, za šta ih iskoristiti. Onda u svom tom brzinskom razmišljanju i planiranju odaberem nekoliko onih koje mi se baš najviše sviđaju i kad krenem tkati vidim da su prekrasne i, naravno kukam kako sam ih trebala uzeti još. Vjerujem da se isto dešava i vama. Ili?Dakle, ovo je mali presjek materijala koje ćete tokom slijedećih tjedana i mjeseci vrlo vjerojatno vidjeti pretvorene u šalove, kape, materijale ili što mi već padne na pamet da postanu.

Although I had not much time for weaving lately, I have managed to find the stores with lovely wool, and of course could not hold on not to buy what I liked. It is always the same
story - I either don't find anything interesting for awhile, or I find so many beautiful items of wool not to know which ones to choose, how many to buy and quickly decide what to use them for. In all that planning and thinking, I usually take those I really like the most, and - as it often happens - once I start weaving , the conclusion is that I should have taken a lot more of them. Does it happen to you as well? Here is the mall overview of the material that I will be in the coming weeks and months transferring into scarves, hats, fabrics of whatever inspiration I get while warping the loom.
Greetings from Spinne