Novi život čudnovate vune / The new life of a fancy yarn
Vjerojatno ćete se sjetiti otkačenih vuna koje sam naučila presti prije par tjedana. Ova vunica na slici lijevo je jedna od njih - mješavina merino ovce, angora zeca, kojekakvih perlica, filcanih kuglica i šta god mi se našlo pri ruci.
U međuvremenu sam od tog smiješnog smotuljka napravila kapu. Prvo sam oprala ispredenu vunu da se lijepo istegne, a zatim na malom tkalačkom stanu napravila komadić u platnenom vezu koji sam na kraju zavezala na vrhu i pretvorila u kapicu.
You may remember the sunday spinning post and the story of how I learned to make interesting, fancy yarns. The photo left above shows my first attempt at spinning fancy yarns and mixing various fibres (angora, merino) together with felted balls, pearls, buttons and other small items that can pass through the opening on my Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel. In the meantime, I have washed the span yarn, and woven into a hat. The three photos will tell you all about it.
U međuvremenu sam od tog smiješnog smotuljka napravila kapu. Prvo sam oprala ispredenu vunu da se lijepo istegne, a zatim na malom tkalačkom stanu napravila komadić u platnenom vezu koji sam na kraju zavezala na vrhu i pretvorila u kapicu.
You may remember the sunday spinning post and the story of how I learned to make interesting, fancy yarns. The photo left above shows my first attempt at spinning fancy yarns and mixing various fibres (angora, merino) together with felted balls, pearls, buttons and other small items that can pass through the opening on my Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel. In the meantime, I have washed the span yarn, and woven into a hat. The three photos will tell you all about it.