Kuharice/zidnjaci /Kitchen wall hangings
Dakle, razlog zbog kojeg sam počela ovu priču je što sam prije nekoliko mjeseci posjetila divnu staricu od preko 80 godina koja pažljivo čuva zidnjake koje je sama radila. Dosta ih je plod njezine mašte jer je njezina rudarska obitelj često oskudijevala s novcem, i nisu si mogli priuštiti drukane zidnjake, nego bi ih ona sama crtala na komadima platna i našivavala u bojama koje je kod kuće imala i tako provodila duge zimske dane. Evo vam nekoliko slika i najtradicionalnijih poruka koje su bile šivane na zidnjake.
Nekoliko natpisa sa starinskih zidnjaka:
Kuharice skuhaj ručak fino
Pa ćeš dobiti novaca za kino.
Kad ručak skuham bolje
Muž je bolje volje.
Voće kad je zrelo, najbolje je jelo.
Dobra djeca, dobra hrana
To nam kuha vrijedna mama.
Tvoja ljubav i naš dom najdraži su srcu mom.
Od ljubavi nismo siti
Treba dobro jesti i piti.
It was not my plan to write a post on this subject but since I was reminded about it tonight, and as this is a lovely story of something rather traditional in old day
Well, my first problem is to find the accurate translation. It is the hanging kitchen cloth, but not an ordinary kitchen cloth of today. At the end of the 19th and early 20th century the kitchens were rather big and spacious places where the women were preparing tasty good. The kitchen furniture was decorated with various hand-made items, while the kitchen walls were often decorated with so-called Kuharice or Zidnjaci (wall hanging), which the wealthier peasant women were buying pre-printed on the markets and spending the evenings sewing them in various colours to create interesting wall-hangings with numerous messages. The messages were educating younger girls how to behave in a marriage, learning how to cook and behave well, take care of health and hygiene. Some of the clothes were used as a storage place for combs, matches and brushes, while the others spoke of love or gave some funny and sarcastic sayings. They were very popular until late 50-ties in
željela izvesti ZIDNJAKE, hvala, lp iz Varaždina