All season coat / Proljetni kaput(ić)

 Za sve one koji se ne sjećaju priče o čekanju što će izaći iz perilice nakon pranja novo tkanog materijala, evo dobrih vijesti. 
Nakon što se tkani materijal lijepo oprao i posušio, a onda pričekao neko vrijeme da mi naiđe inspiracija što od njega napraviti, u međuvremenu se isti pretvorio u prekrasan kaputić za sva godišnja doba. Jednostavnog kroja, veselih boja. 
Priča sa stajanjem me podsjetila na djedova nepisana ali stroga krojačka pravila, gdje bi svaka tkanina nakon uzimanja mjere, prvo morala "prespavati" na polici u ormaru, da bi onda krenula u krojenje i prvo spajanje i pripremu za prvu probu. Svakoj akciji prethodila bi malo odležavanje, doduše nikada ne kao u mom slučaju gdje mislim da je tkanje čekalo hmmmm..... 3-4 duge godine.
For all those not remembering the story of waiting to see what will come out of the washing machine after washing the newly woven fabric, here are some good news.
After the woven fabric cold washed and warm-dried, it had been sitting and waiting for some time for my inspiration. In the meantime, it has been made into a beautiful coat for all seasons. Simple cut and cheerful colors.

This story of waiting reminded me of my grandfather tailor and his unspoken but strict tailoring rules. Each fabric that was ever brought for sewing, he would take the necessary measures, after which the fabric would be put to "sleep" on the arrival shelf in the closet. Only after the fabric rested a little, he would take it on and start putting it together for the first trial. 
Every tailoring action would be preceded by a little break for the fabric, though never as long as in my case where I think the woven fabric was waiting for hmmmm ..... 3-4 looooong years.


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