Čekajući proljeće, odabir je pao na boju maline. Prekrasna nijansa koju je teško poslikati, ali mislim da će vam otprilike približiti ideju o boji. Iako je preko 2 metra dug, težak je samo 14dkg, i može se koristiti u sva četiri godišnja doba. Prekrasno pada, dovoljno je dugačak i može se zamotati na puno raznih načina, pa sam se i ja malo poigrala slikajući svemoguće načine vezanja.
While waiting for the spring to come, I have decided to go for the raspberry color, fantastic shade that is a little difficult to photograph. I hope that my pictures will give you an idea about the color. ALthough a little over 2 meters long, it weighs only 140 gram. It drapes very well, and is long enough that one can wrap it in many different ways. I got carried away with trying various knots, so here are quite a few photos of my latest woven, springy raspberry piece.
Hi Cindy, I have bought the yarn as a leftover on the cone. It unfortunately did not say the content, but it does feel like a nice blend of good quality materials by the way it feels on the skin as well as how nicely it drapes.
My Spindle Fun post shows a spindle spun blend of Merino/Alpaca/Silk/ and Bamboo.