Crno sivi alpaka ogrtač, kaput, jakna ili što već - Black and gray alpaca coat

Iako sam već davno odlučila šta će od njega postati, ne znam zašto to nisam ranije napravila. Crno-sivo tkanje je pretvoreno u mekani i elegantni kaput, ogrtač. Nismo mu stavile nikakav gumb ni zatvaranje, jer mu je prednja strana poprilično komotna i lijepo se može prebaciti i glumiti šal. Na žalost da crno na slici neće ispasti dobro, ali moram to ponovo poslikati na boljem svjetlu, iako mislim da ćete dobiti ideju kako to sad izgleda.
It was awhile ago since I have woven the piece of fabric on the right photo. At the time, I made a long material of over four meters and although I had a plan already then, I have only two weeks ago finally brought it to its final product, a lovely, soft and elegant coat. My seamstress did a great job connecting the pieces together and we decided not to put any buttons or anything else for closing it, but rather leave it loose as there is quite some material that drapes well, and each side can be brought forward to the other as a scarf. Unfortunately that the black does not show that well on the photo, but I will try to make better picture even though I am sure you will get an idea how it actually looks like.