Super Slavica
Super? Slavica |
Sjećate li se imena i strojčeka? Dakle, moja je bagatica stara, prastara (....nisam sigurna da li je mlađa ili starija nego ja) ali je nekad služila mom djedu kao rezerva za dobru staru nogom gonjenu Pfafficu. Ne sjećam se bome ni koliko je djed koristio Super Slavicu. Znam da ju ja koristila previše nisam, ali je tu i tamo dobro došla za neke manje radove. Nisam ja neka majstorica od šivanja, ali za porubiti i pokrpati, ide. Naravno, godine stajanja su učinile svoje. Lani je dva puta bila kod "doktora" jer sam imala problema, ništa nije išlo kako treba, ni ravno, niti cik-cak, niti na tankom niti na debljem materijalu. Remeni su se otegnuli što nije za čuđenje jer su vjerojatno još originalni, unutra je bila sva umrljana kombinacijom masnoće i prašine od raznoraznih materijala i šta god sam krenula zašiti, krpati i dirati završilo je neslavno. I onda bi pukla igla iz nekog čudnog razloga, i Slavica bi natrag u ćošak. Ne znajući nikakvog majstora odnijela sam ju prvo mojoj šnajderici koja je to lijepo pogledala iznutra i izvana i rekla da to nema potrebe nositi nikakvom majstoru, bude to ona meni počistila, podmazala kako treba i sve ok. I napravi ona sve to, namasti ju, očisti, vratim ju natrag kući i i krenem nešto raditi, a ono drži nedaj opet problemi. Naravno, sve je to bilo super podmazano i namašćeno onako pošteno, no šta to sve vrijedi kad remenje nije htjelo vući kako treba. I tako je gospođa Super Slavica završila kod "pravog" majstora. Čovjek je promijenio sve što je vidio da ne valja, naplatio i kad sam opet krenula šivati, opet je počela praviti probleme. Pa malo hoće, malo neće i tad sam ju demonstrativno zatvorila u špajzu, u dalekom crnom uglu sve do danas kad mi je sinulo zašto ja sama ne bi porubila zadnjih par pamučnih i lanenih komada.
Desilo se čudo, i Slavica je danas bila stvarno super. Sve je išlo bez ikakve muke i problema, ja porubila četiri komada bez da bih riječ rekla. Maloprije sam ju vratila na novo mjesto u špajzi, malo bliže ulazu, pa možda uskoro ponovo izađe na svjetlo dana i posluži za neki novi projekt.
Slavica je danas bila stvarno super... Slavica was today really Super again.... |
After some weeks being parked in the dark(est) corner of the storage room Super Slavica has been taken out. Super Slavica is the brand name of the sewing machine, which may be as old as I am, not sure. My grandfather owned it before, and was occasionally used as a replacement for this good old Pfaff, foot powered sewing machine. I am not quite sure how much did he use this, modern, electricity powered sewing machine, only for some works that could not have been done with the other one. I know that since I got it, it has not been used much, here and there for some smaller works. I also am not a super tailor, but for some smaller repairs, no problem. Years of sitting around without sewing anything made the machine ready for repair. She was twice at the "doctor" last year as nothing was working properly. The belts were old and ancient and no more taking the transmission properly, it was all ugly and dirty, fat and dusty inside and whatever I attempted to do ended up in disaster and Super Slavica would be taken back to the dark corner.
As I was not aware of the repair person, I took it to my seamstress to take it to her service. Once she had a look at it, she decided that it needs no repair man, she can fix it for me. Fine, OK. She cleaned it up, put some more oil where needed, fixed some screws, I took it home and ..... again problems. The belts.....
And, this is where Ms. Super Slavica ended up at the proper serviceman who replaced the belts, fixed some other things again, charged duly for all the repairs, and once I took it back home, it again was being silly. First it worked ok, then it was a problem with some materials, then it was ok again.
So.... off it was, back to the dark corner until now when I decided to give it another try and sew the edges of some of the linen pieces I have woven.
Miracle happened, and Slavica was today really Super. It did the job without any problems, smooth and easy. I happily put her back to the storage room, in a bit brighter corner, and may use it quite soon again for one of the new projects.