Gdje započeti? - Where to start?
Well, and now I am asking you where to start? Where would you start?
The way I did was to put together all the old and newly arrived yarns and started planning. Left picture shows a messy everything, while the right one is the purest alpaca yarn. Alpaca in totally natural color which is normally rather hard to match with any other fiber than alpaca itself, since every colored wool is normally taking a shade that is very recognizably different. If the memory serves me well, alpaca (animals and fiber) come in 25 natural colors, starting with off-white, through numerous shades of brown and gray to the blackest black. Writing about it now, feels more and more like the alpaca wool may be the next project.
Inače, pogledala sam link za onu švedsku vunu i najprivlačnija i je svila, još da shvatim kako određuju cijene ... trebam još detaljnije pogledati.