Nove niti - New yarns

Nove niti, nove boje, 100% alpaka, mekane, vesele, jedna nit ljepša od druge. Simpatična je vlasnica dućana imala rasprodaju i prvo kad sam došla tokom tjedna snimila sam boje, kod kuće dobro pregledala šta se može dobro s čime spariti, i danas, zadnji dan rasprodaje nisam mogla odoljeti ne iskoristiti 20 i 30% sniženje. Planove u glavi imam, ne znam otkuda da krenem......

New yarns, new colors, 100% alpaca, soft, happy, one color nicer than the other. The nice shop owner lady had it all on sale, and first when I saw them during the week I fell in love with colors. Went home, checked what can be paired nicely with my existing yarns and went back to the shop on the last day of sale, as I could not just let a 20-30% sale pass without getting something new and nice. Plans are in my head just not sure where to start......


Roman Tales said…
Već ovako posložene prerasno djeluju ... sigurno ćeš prekrasno platno otkati ... k tome alpaka!
Lynnette said…
What a fine bonanza...I can't wait to see what you weave!

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