Napokon gotovo/Finally finished

The complicated but beautiful new piece of weaving is finally ready, living its new life outside the loom and waiting to get the ends properly finalized. Although I knew from the day I warped the loom that it would be a demanding job to get it finished considering the lack of time for weaving, I have nevertheless set up a really long warp, that took a couple of weeks to get through. I was not even for one single moment ready to cut it off the loom earlier, since the whole warping experience was awfully difficult. To make it even more complex, I did not use the double thread in the warp, but single, which - when you use two colors can be a difficult exercise and can take double the time then normally (if not even more, as it was in my case).

The pattern – turned taquette was my discovery from one the recent weaving magazines. After studying it a bit, thinking when and whether to give it a go, I have decided to try it out. The article accompanying the story provided a lovely explanation talking a lot about how easy it should be to weave it since it is just one colour weft, while the warp is the combination of two alternating colors which should not take too long. Well, easily said, it occasionally drove me mad since the sequences of pattern are rather long. To cut the long story short, I am presenting the photos taken on a lovely Sunday afternoon, just when the sun started setting and the lilac color was nicely visible through the camera lens.

Moje drugo proljetno (i ovogodišnje) tkanje je prije tjedan dana skinuto sa tkalačkog stana, i sretno živi novi život čekajući da mu riješim krajeve. Nisam ih htjela podvezivati, nego ću ih vjerojatno samo porubiti i ostaviti kakvi jesu. Neću vam ponavljati priču o mukama koje sam prošla dok sam napravila ovaj komad, ali sad kad ga gledam na stolu na terasi, uživam, jer je stvarno prekrasan i vrlo neobičan jer uzorak plovi po tkanju i sa koje god ga strane pogledam izgleda drugačije. Danas popodne sam već nasnovala novi komad, ovaj puta samo uzorak od nekih 7cm širine i preko metra duljine koji sam već davno obećala mojoj šnajderici koja momentalno šije prekrasnu odjeću za lokalno kulturno umjetničko društvo, i koja mi je dala primjerak starinskog tkanja koje se koristilo kao pojas na nošnjama, pa je htjela da se poigram da vidim kako bi mogli napraviti ili nešto vrlo slično tome, ili nešto malo drugačije. Meni s druge strane, dobro dođe igrati se sa raznoraznim uzorcima koji će se uvijek u budućnosti dati iskoristiti za neko novo i veće tkanje.


Anonymous said…
Imaš puno pravo biti zadovoljna, uistinu je prekrasan uzorak.
Što misliš napraviti s tim platnom?
Anonymous said…
Platno me podsječa bojom i uzorkom na namreškano more. Bravo. Prekrasan rad.
Olinka said…
Nije ti to veliko platno, nekih metar, možda nešto kraće što je idealno za proljetno prekrivanje stola, i kao što je Šestinčanka primijetila - uvijek lijepo podsjeti na more. Ako ne mene, onda sretnicu koja će ga (vrlo vjerojatno) dobiti jedan dan na poklon. O!
Alison said…
Your runner is beautiful. I can see it took some patience to weave, but the result is worth it!
Anonymous said…
I think it was my article in Handwoven that you used for the turned taquete piece. If you have tried taquete, not turned, you know that it requires at least two shuttles and many picks per inch. Turned taquete is faster, having more warps per inch than wefts. I like scarves with longer designs and had to make something shorter for this magazine.

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