Prvi blogodan / First blogoversary!
Volim brojke, pa vas moram malo daviti statistikom.
Danas, punih 386 dana kasnije, rođendanski blog posjećen je: 11.800 puta, posjetilo ga je oko 3000 ljudi iz 61 zemlje sa šest kontinenata. Lista zemalja je impresivna - od Srednje, Istočne i Zapadne Europe, Senegala, Libije, Sudana, preko Turske do Indije, Kambodže, Japana, Australije i Novog Zelanda, preko Amerike i Kanade, južnameričkih zemalja, natrag do mojih najvjernih čitateljica širom Europe.
Najljepše vam hvala svima! Nadam se da ću do drugog rođendana imati više vremena za tkalačke i predačke priče, iako znam da vas dosta uživa i u pričama sa putovanja. Stiže proljeće, i jedva čekam da dani postanu duži i topliji, te da preselim tkalački stan i kolovrat na terasu provodeći tople ljetne večeri stvarajući nove kreacije. Lijepi pozdrav i još jednom hvala na čitanju. Vaša, Olinka!
I have almost missed the first anniversary of my blog. Blogoversary.... The time is flying by,
It was a great year.
Early in a week I spent a lot of time weaving and spinning, teaching others how to do it, had my first and second exhibitions, one of my woven works has been published in the weaving book, and last but not least, we got 17 mannequins moving into our flat that have been modeling my works. The last couple of months flew extremely quick. I did a very little weaving, started a new job, moved to a new city and spent a lot of time traveling. I have plenty of plans for the coming months, therefore, no fear for the new stories on the blog.
Today, 386 days after starting it, the birthday blog has been visited 11.800 times from app. 3000 people from 61 country from 6 continents. The list of countries is rather impressive, just wonder how to people get to it. Majority of visitors came from Central, Eastern and Western Europe, then US and Canada, over Senegal, Lybia, Sudan, to Turkey and India, Cambodia, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
I want to thank all of you! I do hope that by the time of the second blogoversary I will have a lot more time for the weaving and spinning stories, although I recognize interest for the travel diaries as well. The spring is slowly coming, I look forward to a longer and warmer days to take a weaving loom and the spinning wheel out on the terrace and start spending the warm evenings creating new works. Thanks again and until the next post. Yours, Olinka!