Rozakapica/Pink Little Riding Hood

Iako sam imala pauzu sa pisanjem na blogu, nisam imala pauzu sa tkanjem. Naprotiv, radila sam na vrlo popularnoj tkanoj kapi. Istkala sam ih preko dvadeset, u raznim bojama, različitim veličinama, sve na malom tkalačkom stanu (Knitters Loom). Ove su kapice super način riješiti se svih ostataka vune, iako moje vuneno skladište umjesto da se smanjuje - raste, zahvaljujući mami i tetama. Rekla sam da je vrijeme instalirati kontejner za skupljanje vune negdje na ulici, pa kome ne treba, neka ubaci k meni. Vrijeme polako postaje jesensko, i mislim da će kapice uskoro dobro poslužiti, jer su jutra već počela biti hladnija.
Evo posljednje od kreacija-rozakapica-napravljena za malu ružičastu princezu, 4,5-godišnju Iskru (ime joj 100% odgovara).

Although having a break from adding news on the blog, I did not have a break from weaving. Instead, I have been busy making everyone's favorite - woven hat. I made over twenty of them, in various colors, various sizes, most of them made on Knitters Loom. It is by far the best way of reusing the leftover wool from my wool storage, which is mysteriously growing, rather then reducing in size, all thanks to my Mom and aunties. I have already thought of getting a recycling container for wool, so whoever feels like getting rid of wool could just give it to me in exchange for a woven hat.
The weather is getting slowly into autumn, and it could soon be the time to wear my woven woolly creations.
Here is the latest of creations, made for a little pink princess, 4,5 year old Iskra (which stands for spark in English and fits her 100%).


Leigh said…
Very clever! I really like it. Did you make the pattern yourself?
Olinka said…
Yes, I did make it myself, from the start to the end. Something that I did not mentioned anywhere is that the hat idea was my contribution for the Ashford competition earlier this year on what could one make with the Knitters Loom. I was recently informed that my hat idea was selected to be published in their upcoming Project Book for the Knitters Loom. Nice reference for my works that made me very happy. Olinka!
Sharon said…
I hope you'll consider sharing the woven hat with your readers at some point in the future. This reader would be very interested....
Goce said…
predivne su kape , sada sam slučajno naišla na tvoj blog na forumu i baš mi je drago zbog toga! Curica je zanosna!

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