Mrzite li moher? Ja ponekad. Do you hate mohair? I sometimes do.
It was not the first time I was having problems with mohair, and although I have gone through (quite) some troubles in the past, I have nevertheless decided to give it yet another try. There was a ball of turquoise colored mohair wool, not even 50 grams sitting around the wool box and since it was not enough for a solid big piece of weaving, I have decided to combine it with the leftovers of that blue Hundertwasser yarn in the weft and make a small hat. Everything would have been perfect if the mohair was not fluffy, hairy and impossible to keep in the warp. I did a few rows, and since it became impossible to weave through the mountain of moHAIR, I took the scissors, cut it all away and reversed the plan. Mohair went into weft and Hundertwasser yarn into the warp and the hat was ready in less than an hour. I surely will not be playing around with certain kinds of mohair. Those from Ashford are by far the winners so far, since I never ever have had a problem using them in a warp.
Nije se samo jednom desilo da sam imala problem sa moher vunom, i iako sam ranije imala problema, svejedno sam opet odlučila probati iskoristiti moher za osnovu. U vunenom skladištu mi se vuklo nekih 50 grama mohera u predivnoj tirkiznoj boji, i kako to baš nije dosta za solidan komad tkanja, odlučila sam ga zamiješati sa ostacima Hundertwasser vune i napraviti još
jednu kapu. Sve bi bilo divno da moher nije bio čupav, dlakav i nemoguć da preživi u jednom komadu u osnovi. Nakon nekoliko redova tkanja, postalo je nemoguće proći brdom preko mora čupavog mohera i proradile su škare. Ne volim to napraviti, ali kad moram, moram. Prerezala sam cijelu osnovu, i napravila ono što je trebalo učiniti odmah – zavezala sve niti mohera natrag jednu za drugu i pripremila za potku, Hundertwasser u osnovu. Ovo je definitivno posljednji puta da koristim neke vrste mohera u osnovi. Doduše, moram priznati da je Ashford-ov moher koji sam ranije nabavljala pobjednik svih mohera jer do sada nikad nisam imala problema dok je bio u osnovi. Svaka se škola plaća.