Priča o lanu IV - namakanje / Linen story IV - soaking
Nastavljamo dalje sa pričom o lanu.
Nakon što su svi snopovi lana zavezani i pripremljeni za nastavak, složili smo ih u bazen u kojem su se nekad namakale šljive za pripremu rakije. Kako bazen već godinama ničemu ne služi, ispao je super za ovu prigodu. Sve smo snopove složili u redove, i na kraju poklopili i dobro pritisnuli sa komadima drveta, te napunili s vodom. Močenje je trajalo puna tri tjedna, s time da smo svakih 7 dana ispuštali vodu van, i stavljali novu čistu vodu u bazen. Sve je ispalo manje smrdljivo nego što smo očekivali.
The linen story continues.
Once all the flax packages were ready and tied together properly, we placed them in an old basin which was used for collecting plums for making plum brandy. Since the basin was lying unused for the past couple of years, it turned to be a perfect solution. The flax was organized nicely within the basin, and finally covered with a couple of wood pieces which helped to keep everything under water. We filled it up with the water, and left the flax soaking for the full three weeks. Every 7 days we exchanged the water, let the dirty water out and filled the basin with the clean water. Everything happened to be much less smelly than we thought.
Nakon što su svi snopovi lana zavezani i pripremljeni za nastavak, složili smo ih u bazen u kojem su se nekad namakale šljive za pripremu rakije. Kako bazen već godinama ničemu ne služi, ispao je super za ovu prigodu. Sve smo snopove složili u redove, i na kraju poklopili i dobro pritisnuli sa komadima drveta, te napunili s vodom. Močenje je trajalo puna tri tjedna, s time da smo svakih 7 dana ispuštali vodu van, i stavljali novu čistu vodu u bazen. Sve je ispalo manje smrdljivo nego što smo očekivali.
The linen story continues.
Once all the flax packages were ready and tied together properly, we placed them in an old basin which was used for collecting plums for making plum brandy. Since the basin was lying unused for the past couple of years, it turned to be a perfect solution. The flax was organized nicely within the basin, and finally covered with a couple of wood pieces which helped to keep everything under water. We filled it up with the water, and left the flax soaking for the full three weeks. Every 7 days we exchanged the water, let the dirty water out and filled the basin with the clean water. Everything happened to be much less smelly than we thought.