Prica o lanu / The story of linen
Da li ste se ikad zapitali koliko je dugo trebalo da se napravi metar i pol lanenog materijala od kojeg su napravljene vase lanene ljetne hlace? Ja jesam.
Unatrag jednog proljeca, odlucila sam krenuti od samog pocetka. Nabavila sam nekoliko kilograma sjemena lana koje nas je odvelo na putovanje kroz povijest. Lan uzgaja vec najmanje 5000 godina. Linium usitatissimum lat. spada u jednu od najstarijih kultiviranih biljaka i koristi se kao namirnica, ljekovita biljka, proizvodnji boja i lakova, materijal. Smijesna je prica o prvih pola kilograma sjemena, koje je, kad se proculo da sam ga ja nabavila podosta, zavrsilo kao lijek za krave u susjedstvu koje su imale problema sa probavom, a sluz kuhanog lana pomaze takvim problemima. Ostatak sjemena posijali smo na polju ispod susjedovog vinograda. Evo slicica plavog polja lana.

Did you ever ask yourself how long does it take to make a 1,5 meter of linen fabric for your summer trousers? Well..... I did.
Over a year ago, I have decided to start from the very beginning and have purchased a couple of kilograms of linen/flax seeds that has taken me for the journey through the history. Linen is grown for over 5000 years. Linium usitatissimum lat. belongs to one of the oldest cultivated plants and is nowadays used for food, medicine, paint production, fabric making.
Once the word spread that I have bought a few kilos of seed, it became quite suspicious that many cows in the neighborhood developed digestion problems which can only be cured with the linen seeds. I had so much of it, that I was more than happy to share it with the concerned neighbors. The health report was that the cure has apparently worked out for all the animals, while the rest of it was planted on the field below the neighbor’s vineyard. This is how they looked when blooming.

Unatrag jednog proljeca, odlucila sam krenuti od samog pocetka. Nabavila sam nekoliko kilograma sjemena lana koje nas je odvelo na putovanje kroz povijest. Lan uzgaja vec najmanje 5000 godina. Linium usitatissimum lat. spada u jednu od najstarijih kultiviranih biljaka i koristi se kao namirnica, ljekovita biljka, proizvodnji boja i lakova, materijal. Smijesna je prica o prvih pola kilograma sjemena, koje je, kad se proculo da sam ga ja nabavila podosta, zavrsilo kao lijek za krave u susjedstvu koje su imale problema sa probavom, a sluz kuhanog lana pomaze takvim problemima. Ostatak sjemena posijali smo na polju ispod susjedovog vinograda. Evo slicica plavog polja lana.

Did you ever ask yourself how long does it take to make a 1,5 meter of linen fabric for your summer trousers? Well..... I did.
Over a year ago, I have decided to start from the very beginning and have purchased a couple of kilograms of linen/flax seeds that has taken me for the journey through the history. Linen is grown for over 5000 years. Linium usitatissimum lat. belongs to one of the oldest cultivated plants and is nowadays used for food, medicine, paint production, fabric making.
Once the word spread that I have bought a few kilos of seed, it became quite suspicious that many cows in the neighborhood developed digestion problems which can only be cured with the linen seeds. I had so much of it, that I was more than happy to share it with the concerned neighbors. The health report was that the cure has apparently worked out for all the animals, while the rest of it was planted on the field below the neighbor’s vineyard. This is how they looked when blooming.

We planted it in an area of app. 1000m2 (0.25 acres). More stories and photos will follow in the next posts. Olinka!