Jeste li ikad vidjeli Angora dlaku uzivo, a ne u klupku vune koje je svega par postotaka angora? Ja jesam, ovaj vikend. U petak sam dobila vrecicu Angora runa - bijelo kao snijeg, pod rukom kao pjena, mekano, cisto i prekrasno. Dlacice su malo krace, ali kad se zamijesalo sa ostatkom ljubicastog merina, ispalo je super. Evo slicica kroz sve faze rada do dobivanja vunice.
Did you ever see the Angora hair, but not in the ball of wool that contains only a few percentages of angora? I did, this weekend. I got a bag of Angora fibre - white like a snow, and soft, fluffy, clean and beautiful. The fibres are short, but after it was mixed with the remains of the lilac merino fibre, it turned out nicely. Here are the photos of all the phases before the fibre became a wool.

Did you ever see the Angora hair, but not in the ball of wool that contains only a few percentages of angora? I did, this weekend. I got a bag of Angora fibre - white like a snow, and soft, fluffy, clean and beautiful. The fibres are short, but after it was mixed with the remains of the lilac merino fibre, it turned out nicely. Here are the photos of all the phases before the fibre became a wool.