Lažne preslice/Fake distaffs

Upravo sam procitala zanimljivu pricicu iz clanka Slobodne Dalmacije o otvorenju izlozbe "Odraz Rimljanke" splitskog arheoloskog muzeja.

"Lažne preslice"
Tkanjem i predenjem nisu se bavile samo sluškinje nego i ugledne članice društva, ili su bar voljele biti ovjekovječene s preslicom u ruci, što je upućivalo na njihov status matrone, na vrlu i radišnu kućanicu. I preslice su nađene u ženskim grobovima, ali mnoge od njih imaju simbolično značenje, izrađene su od jantara ili stakla i na njima se nikada ne bi mogla ispresti nit.

I have just read an interesting story about the reflections and lives of Roman women related to spinning. The article covers exhibition in Split Archeological Museum (taken from Slobodna Dalmacija - the article is Croatian)
"The fake distaff's"
Weaving and spinning was not only done by servants but also the respected society members, or, they just wanted to be remembered with the distaff in their hand, which showed their "matrona" status, very good and busy housewife. The distaffs were found in female graves, but most of them had a symbolic meaning, they were made of amber or glass, and you could never spin a yarn on them.


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