Kako je sve pocelo? / How did it all start?
Moj ulaz u svijet predenja i tkanja desio se posve neplanirano.
Jednog sivog, zimskog dana 2003. godine u posjetu maloj alpaka farmi usred Austrije, u uglu hodnika vlasnice pogled mi je pao na nov, novcati, niti jednom korišten kolovrat, koji je usamljen stajao u kutu hodnika. Iako je gospođa imala nekoliko vreća prekrasnog runa svojih 8 alpaka, do tog si dana nije uzela vremena naučiti presti, čemu se ja nisam mogla načuditi. Proslo je nekoliko mjeseci, i jedno ljetno popodne, dosadjujuci se lutajuci internetom sjetim se usamljenog kolovrata, imena proizvođača, provjerim na internetu i isti tren ispunim formular da hocu vise informacija. Drugi dan predvecer, zvoni telefon, javlja se distributerka, i pita me da sta me zanima. Wow......nisam imala pojma sta da kazem, pa na brzinu smislim: „zanima me sve“ i ispricam joj pricu o usamljenom kolovratu koji me zapravo potaknuo da se javim. Nakon par dana vec sam sjedila na tecaju, a ubrzo se kolovrat i prva tri kilograma ovcjeg runa uselio u dnevnu sobu. E... kad bi to bio kraj, ali na tecaju sam ja vidjela i tkalacke stanove, i tu je odmah pao dogovor da na jesen dodjem natrag na tecaj tkanja nakon kojeg se u dnevnu sobu doselio i mali tkalacki stan, koji je tokom vremena dobio i prijatelja u velikom tkalackom stanu.
To je ukratko prica o pocetku. Nastavci price slijede u blogu.
How did it all start?
My entrance in the spinning and weaving world happened – totally unplanned.
One grey winter day in 2003. while visiting an alpaca farm in Austria, in an upstairs corridor, I spotted the brand and very new, not-once-used spinning wheel, standing lonely in the corner. Although the lady had a storage full of wonderful alpaca fiber from her 8 animals, she had taken no time to learn spinning. I could simply not believe it. A couple of months later, sitting bored in front of the computer, the lonely spinning wheel came to my mind. I remembered the producer's name, checked for the link, immediately filled out the form asking for more information. Next evening, the phone rings, and the distributor of the company is on the phone, asking what would I be interested in. Wow.... I could not believe my ears, and totally shocked answered: „EVERYTHING“, and explained her the story of the lady and a lonely spinning wheel which made me ask for the information.
Few days later, I was sitting in her flat attending the course, some weeks later the Ashford Traditional Spinning Wheel together with 3kg of fleece has moved into our living room. Well..... that is not the end, since during the course, I was introduced to the weaving looms, and the agreement was that in case I am interested, I return for a weaving course after the summer vacation time is over. Should I mention that I could hardly wait for that course. I came home from the course with the rigid heddle loom which I happilly am using even today. In the meantime, the wheel and the loom found a new friend in the 8-shaft loom. The living room has turned into a weaving room.
This was the story about the beginnings, while you are welcome to follow the rest of it in this blog.
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spp (podrugiput.blog.hr)